Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Concepts - Steven Holl and Kisho Kurokawa

Kisho Kurokawa
Metabolist / Dynamic architecture
Flexible interchangeable reversible extendible
City changing with people
Technology as an expansion of humanity

Outside and In
Old and New – Technology and Natural
Cultural exhanges – KL Airport

Abstract Symbolism
Cones, spheres Pyramids as symbols for many cultures

Steven Holl
Phenomenolgy through the use of Paralax/Angled Views
The experience of the architecture – spaces changing and revealing itself
Psychological experience through materials and form

Preserve Site and Memory
Not impacting environment – Hang Zhou Triaxial Field

Of building envelope, people movement, light

Hinged Spaces/Interactivity
Flexibility of space – similar to metabolist idea of dynamic architecture


Monday, March 26, 2012

Check your blog links

Hi everyone,
can you all please check your blog addresses that you have supplied, as some appear to be incorrect.
Check them by clicking on your blog in the tute group list on the right side - if they don't link to where they should let me know as soon as possible in the comments of this post.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A moving section example

I've posted this in previous years as it was relevant to the client (Jacque Cousteau) but it still holds up as an interesting take on a moving section to tell a story - and clever set design

It's from the movie "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou"